Are You Aware of the Hotel Health and Wellness Trends?
There is no denying the growth and awareness of health and wellness that is currently shaping our current culture. In an increasingly more competitive hospitality industry, now is the time to offer unique benefits that make you stand out in the crowd.
Capri offer a Paleo restaurant and Art Series Hotel already host ‘wellness mornings’.
Accessing and implementing the right health and wellness strategies will appeal to hotel customers and increase the likelihood that leisure travellers will want to stay with you. With that idea in mind, make sure that your hotel company is familiar with all of the following trends:
These days, juicing has become a big deal as more and more people recognize the benefits of healthy eating healthy while also realizing that the diet optimization process doesn’t have to be complex. Juicing keeps it simple by allowing people to consume liquid that is rich in a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that the body needs to function optimally.
If viable, look at adding a juice bar to your hotel restaurant or make guests aware of where the nearest and best juice bars are in the vicinity of your hotel. Healthy, high energy, vibrant guests will also be happy guests.
Healthy Vending Machines
Isn’t it crazy how hospitals offer sugary snacks on every floor to people who are already ill? Refined sugar drinks and snack foods contain a disastrous mix of chemicals and preservatives that are un natural for our bodies.
When our bodies get ample nutrition from natural foods, we are naturally more healthy and happy. Show people you care about their health, with a bowl of fresh organic fruit at the front desk and swap out the vending machine snacks for healthy ones.
Paleo and Veganism
The controversial Pete Evans is certainly doing his bit to help people be more healthy with his new Paleo Restaurant, Asana, in Brisbane (a great point of difference for Capri Apartment Hotel). He is on a quest and his success so far proves that we are truly making a change together for a healthier Australia and the coming generations.
Again, if you don’t have a restaurant on site, this makes for great blog content to create an article that directs people to the best healthy restaurants and cafes in the area. Organic, grass fed, local produce and inspired healthy chefs are certainly getting noticed. Even MasterChef’s George Calombaris sheds a whopping 20 kilos and wants to be a healthy dad who can play football with his son.
Better Coffee
As science starts to share its many findings across the internet, there is a lot more awareness of what we put in our mouths and this even covers our favourite drink – coffee. For many years, debates have raged regarding whether coffee is a health drink or debilitating liquid that hampers mental and physical well-being.
While the jury is still out on this question, many people have decided that they want to gravitate away from coffee brands and types that are considered unhealthy.
These days, many are looking for coffee that is organic, free of chemicals and less acidic. In recognizing this reality, you should make sure that your hotel provides people with excellent, organic coffee options. Again, either source a great blend for your hotel or know where your guests can have their fix and make it a healthy one, they will love you for it.
All over the world, people are realising that yoga is not some odd, passing exercise trend that individuals engage in to be subversive or counter-cultural. Rather, yoga is a legitimate, complex form of physical activity that can provide participants with a wide range of absolutely incredible health benefits.
Some of those health benefits include weight management, lowered blood pressure, better memory, and improved sleep quality.
There are many ways to help guests and you don’t need to build a full yoga studio. One hotel I recently stayed in had a yoga mat in the cupboard which was a nice surprise and yes it got used. You can also offer Yoga DVD’s and other Yoga materials, blocks, steps etc to add to your guests experience. Another good option is to create a blog post of the nearby yoga studios and share this with guests on your pre arrival email. If you are a beach location and you know people offer a yoga on the beach, what a perfect experience for guests.
Healthy Hotel Amenities
I travel a lot and have stayed in hotels all over the world. The thing I always remember is the quality of product in the bathroom. It is more than just nice smelling product that feels nice on the skin, but it is the healing and health properties of good product that contains no harmful chemicals and organic essential oils. Essential oils date back to biblical times with the tree wise men bringing baby Jesus Frankincense, Muir and Gold – 2 essential oils for health and some wealth.
I am still researching some of the better brands here and will share these with you in the near future.
If you have some ideas or would like to discuss creating a wellness approach to your hotel, then give us a call to assist.
Original inspiration from Are Morch

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