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Promote Your Seasonal Events

With Christmas almost upon us, the imminent start of the new year, and Easter just on the horizon, you can’t afford to miss out on promoting your business during these prosperous months…

Don’t know where to start? See below for some seasonal campaign ideas.

  • Website Design Give your website a seasonal makeover… whether it’s a simple addition to the header or footer, a general promotional banner, or even a new page dedicated to seasonal offers or events, these new and exciting designs can highly influence your audience.
  • EDM Campaigns & Electronic Cards An eye-catching, professionally laid-out seasonal email is a great way to get noticed – the email is delivered directly to your customers and gives them a first look at all of your seasonal offers. You could even send out a fun electronic Christmas card – we do this every year and always receive a great response from our clients.
Pebble Design Electronic Christmas Card
  • Special Offers/Events Create a special offer or event, relating to the specific season. It gives you more opportunity to promote your business and can be the one factor that makes a customer choose you over the competition. You could create an enticing Christmas or Easter package targeted at families; for example – stay 4 nights, pay 3, with a complimentary present for the kids.
  • Social Media You could start a Christmas/New Year countdown across your social media platforms – get excited and let your enthusiasm infect others. Maybe post a different offer every week leading into Christmas, so it works as a kind of Advent Calendar – this can increase hits to your page because your customers will be eagerly awaiting your next post.

With seasonal marketing it is best to start early so you are prepared and have everything ready to go. Celebrate the festivities with your customers and try to involve them as much as you can with EDM campaigns, special offers, competitions, blog posts and anything else which can relate to your business in some way – after all, everybody loves getting into the spirit.

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