technology-and-genuine-hospitality-unite | Pebble Design

Technology and Genuine Hospitality Unite

Consumers today as used to quality web platforms to engage with across all industries and expect the same standards in the hospitality industry.
Many of these industries are constantly innovating their consumer experience and winning audiences over.

If you snooze, you loose and customers will go elsewhere. If expectations for seamless experiences are not met, particularly in digital or technology-enabled interactions,
it is not hard for consumers to go somewhere else.

It is really important to keep the guest at the centre of your service-process-design initiatives. You can have high conversions, increase ancillary revenue,
and provide a seamless guest experience, but only if you keep the guest in mind as you design the process.

The hotel industry recognises that they should encourage guests to develop a direct relationship with the hotel through offering favourable rates,
personalised experiences, and an engaging relationship. Of course, executing this vision will require infusing technology and analytics data throughout the guest journey.

Now might be a great time to evaluate the effectiveness of the online service you offer through your website, pre and post stay emails,
your in-hotel digital experience and give yourself a score on all of these touch points as if you were a guest.

How did you score?

  • Does your customer experience a seamless journey before, during and after their stay?
  • Does your team culture help facilitate this process and are they well trained to deliver this experience time and time again with care and a sense of purpose.

A well defined story across your website serves to appeal to guests but also to unite your team at embodying this story daily.

We are always here to give you a hand, team work is dream work.

Inspired by – Kelly A. McGuire

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